
服務 Services

風水 Fengshui:


      Residential Fengshui, Commercial Fengshui。

Deploying FengShui layout. Using compass to find out the auspicious qi around the house/commercial unit, follow fengshui rule to guide the qi into the unit, so that people will live or work in the environment which is full of auspicious qi. In result, health, wealth, and good luck will naturally come. In addition, according to the principle of LuanTou, yin yang, five elements, movement and stillness, empty and real, and the BaZi of the people in the unit, the furniture, electrical appliances, partitions, kitchen stoves, worship cabinet, colors can be properly arranged. It can promote prosperity and expel evil spirits. The fengshui layout can enhance the strength of the health, learning, business, relationship, promotion and resolve fengshui problems existed in the house/commercial unit.

八字 Destiny reading using BaZi :  

Verify the past, forecast the future. Analyze personal character and master the future destiny. Know the insight for opportunities, to increase wealth, improve health, get career success, and achieve happy marriage.

擇日 Choose an auspicious date & time : 

Cooperate with auspicious time and auspicious day, seek prosperity and wealth, and be happy. Choose a date to give birth, and give the baby a bright future for the whole life.

改名 Change name : 

Cooperate with the BaZi and five elements, choose a connotative, elegant and respected name according to the customer’s wishes, so as to improve the fate and achieve a good future.

手面相 Palmistry & physiognomy  :   

Faces reflect thoughts, palms reflect actions. Judging a person’s character, experience, and calculating his destiny based on his appearance, voice, and behavior.

電話號碼改運 Change to lucky phone number :    

Choose a lucky phone number, forget the past, get on the road, and create a new life.

人生規劃 Life & career plan  :   

Consider immigration, job change, relocation, course selection, marriage, children, etc.


  • 住宅單位
  • 商業單位
  • 商鋪
  • 包括風水佈局
  • 另送佈桃花、文昌、貴人等
  • 佈局求子嗣
  • 分析住宅圖則
  • 揀選陽宅單位
  • 揀選商業單位

  • 八字批命
  • 批流年運程
  • 八字風水佈局

  • 結婚擇日
  • 入伙擇日
  • 產子擇日

  • 嬰兒改名
  • 個人改名
  • 公司改名

  • 面相
  • 掌相

  • 電話號碼轉運
  • 分析建議吉祥號碼
  • 購買配合八字幸運號碼

  • 移民
  • 事業
  • 選科
  • 結婚
  • 子女